Yesterday I went shopping with my little sister and we bought a lot of thing.
First, we went to Accessorize. I like to watch all the bags that they have because they have a lot of different types of bags, but I already have many bags. I wanted a particular neckless but I was disappointed of what they have in the shop. I found a cute sparkle cover for my phone and I paid it 12,45€ instead of 24,90€!! Finally, I bought some colorful elastic band that I can use also as a bracelet. They had different colors but I chose these ones.
We went also to H&M where I found two necklesses but they were not on sale :(. The first neckless in the picture can be wear in two different length while the second one has 3 neckless in one and it's very long.
We went to Kiko because I saw on their website a temporary dye and I found it! They had just 2 colors and I bought both.
The product is "Kiko hair shadow" and it's a temporary dye which goes away with one shampoo. The colors are so brilliant and the intensity of the color depends on your natural color.
It has a spherical shape which allows you to apply the product in a simple e precise way.
It's a compact powder to apply to the hair. You can find here a video that shows you how to apply the product. They were on sale at 6,20€ each.
I LOVE also Kiko's nail polishes, they have a lot of colors and different effects. The last formula it's the quick dry nail polish. I decided to try it in two colors: rose coral (803) and gold tiffany (834). I paid them 1,90€.
I bought also 2 "smoky eyeshadow" in certain golden coral (02) and refined anthracite (09). They're pencil eyeshadows that you can blend with their applicator. I paid them 3,90€ instead of 6,90€.
Finally, I went to Bershka where I always find a t-shirt that I must buy! In fact, I found this white/cream crop t-shirt that I can wear with my high waist skirt or pants. It's so soft :3
These are the main things that I bought yesterday. I hope you like my first post on the blog ^^. Feel free to comment. What do you think about the things that I bought?
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